Saturday, 16 May 2015

Zid - Final Episode

Honestly, I only decided to waste 40 minutes of my life watching this episode so I could provide all of us (who God knows why watched this drama) with closure. 

The episode starts with - ONCE AGAIN - Omar telling Saman that Zee has to go. Now. What a pansy. If Saman hasn't kicked Zee out in all this time, what makes him think she'll do it now?

Zee emotionally blackmails Saman. For reals. Saman says Zee doesn't have to go anywhere because this is Zee's house too. 

Next thing you know, Zee is giving herself a makeover and me (the viewer) is still trying to figure out WHY Saman has declared this is Zee's house too and WHY isn't she kicking Zee out of the house when it's obvious she is making moves on Omar? 

Omar comes home to find Zee is STILL in his house #SurpriseSurprise. 

Zee in one scene and then the next. I think all that drug abuse has killed off any brain cells she might've had.

Zee continues to blabber on about having no place to go and some bakwas about having no shanakth. Hello - you left him. You divorced him. You made a choice. Maybe this is supposed to be a great insight-into-Zee scene, but all her yelling and screeching made me like her even less. Where the heck is Saman?

And Omar, as usual, has nothing wise to contribute to the argument. He's still crying like a little girl. #CryMeARiver

Really? Really? NOW you beleive??

Me: Will this torture ever end?

More unbeatable logic from Zee. 

I must've missed something - cos next thing you know Saman, who has practically done everything she probably shouldn't have so far in this drama, all of a sudden has an epiphany and FINALLY kicks Zee out! Unfortunately, I'm still confused: is Saman offended that Zee made moves on Omar because she cares about him OR because Saman is having a if-I-can't-have-him-no-one-can moment?

Wait. Wait. This scene should've been a declaration that Saman finally found warm-fuzzy feelings for Omar and she kicked Zee out to save her marriage. Instead, Zee tu chali gaee, laykin these two fools are still fighting. 

Zee sends Saman a final love letter and Saman has a flashback about Zee telling her she wants Omar back. And Saman STILL didn't beleive Omar? 

And then this - did Saman ever develop feelings for Omar? Who knows. Before she could complete a sentence, Omar was handing her divorce papers. What a waste. 

And in the end, Saman walks around in the rain and takes Rukhi's name a few times. Just to remind us ke is dramay mein koi Rukhi bhi thi. 

The only positive thing about this drama, was it manages to end within 20 episodes. Nothing else made sense. Saman faces situation after situation which kept teaching her to accept her situation and try to adjust with Omar and she got evidence after evidence that Omar was such a great guy BUT she just continued to walk down the path of self-destruction. Hence, making all the extra characters and sideline stories unnecessary and unimportant. 

I thought this drama had great potential - two people with 'pasts,' Saman starting out with her defiance...but that defiance just turned into ass-ism and the drama went down hill and never recovered. Of all the things you could do with your precious time, watching this drama should not be one of them. 

Until next time...


  1. Very niceee review, finally u wasted ur time watching this crap :P

    suchaaa torture it was arghhhh if only the last scene was different atleast aik scene toh bearable hota :/

  2. Today I looked this drama up because it was mentioned online somewhere. The scene with her refusing to sign the nikah contract to be exact. I thought that boded well. Could it be, that FINALLY a little progressiveness, common sense and feminism had snuck into a pakistani drama? So I found the scene....she refuses to sign it because it doesnt include her right to divorce. Valid point. She is pressured by her brother and father and eventually confronts the groom in front of all. He doesnt have an issue with her having this right.....she then signs the papers....the same papers which still dont include her right. So either the writer doesnt know what stubbornness is or they just failed the concept. I then quickly fast forwarded to the last episode. She ends up alone on a bench in a park with an umbrella with no rain blaming her zidd....Yeah definetely glad I didnt waste time on this drama. The rest of the plot I read herw and on Wikipedia (poorly written by somebody whose not completely fluent in English) but I get it. Include headstrong independent girl/working girl and then make her pathetic by the end of it oh and blame her personality for her downfall.
