Monday, 18 May 2015

Alvida - Episode 14

when the episode starts with Mehrami dad ka more mehrami-pun, you can imagine what the rest of the episode was like.

Rameez Haya mai interested hai ya Hadi mai? Tell me about it. Every time Rameez says, 'HS Bhai...' I feel like vomiting. #100%PureShadiness

Just like Mehram redefined bad parenting for us giving us mehrami dad. This drama had re-defined cheapness, which will henceforth be referred to as Fareesa-ness.
She always wanted to buy him something and now that she is 'rich,' she buys him a bottle of cologne? Really? Kum se Kum watch ya branded cuff links he de deteen. Can't Hadi just bust these two already so we don't have to watch this Fareesa-ness?

Mummy Ji wants to know when Hadi is going to take his and Fareesas marriage into the maya-humza zone.  Hadi tells her they're giving each other space. Light a couple of galaxies worth of space.

Check out the royal treatment Haya is getting...

Totally platonic cousin type of conversation between Hadi and Haya.

Really? I was more worried about this nonsense that occurred. Hadi putting Haya to sleep. Hadi Bhai, yeh nuskhay apni love-of-your-life Aroosa ki nishani pe bhi aazma lia karain.

Do you think Rameez freaked out because Haya was making googoo eyes at Hadi or because Hadi was making googoo eyes at Haya?

Rameez sneaks into the house
Quick poll: What was the most awkward part of this scene?
1- Haya's weird red carpet pose. 
2- Rameez sneaking into his finance's house. 
3- Rameez and Haya getting caught by Hadi. 
4- Rameez asking Hadi for permission to fool around with his fiancĂ©. 
5- Hadi giving Rameez permission to fool around with his fiancĂ©. 
6- Hadi's gaping open shirt and no-hair chest. 

Useless best friend sidekick almost gets a confession out of Hadi 
 and it's not like hadi is concerned that being a married man, his feelings for Haya are out of bounds...
Yup...the bane of all Desi love stories...Rishteydar!!

#EwwMoment 1: Hadi doesn't admit he loves Haya, but he's thought of marrying her for sure cos he has all his arguements worked out. 

#EwwMoment 2: When Hadi makes the first move towards an intimate relationship with Fareesa. 
No! Bad Hadi! No no noooo!!

On the other hand - what the hell is Fareesa thinking? She chose Saim OVER Hadi? 

And proof that all the money in the world can't buy Fareesa good taste. 

All that sassy backbone collapses as soon as Fareesa realises she may have lost her one and only chance with Hadi.

This wins the "worst dialogue of this episode" award

Somebody call Taya-Ji, PRONTO. Tayi must've forgotten to take her meds today. #WorstAdviceEver

Finally Fareesa and Haya both look like Ameer khandaan ki Ameerzadian
 oh look Hadi, it's the woman you regret marrying, with the woman you regret not marrying.

Hadi's face when Haya walks in. kuch kuch hota hei going on here, huh Hadi boy?

This busybody is the only one with any SENSE here. Aisa bhi kia hei that the groom didn't have a single attendee from his side?

 Wait. Wait. I got it. They named the drama Alvida - as in Alvida to any resemblance to reality. Rameez brings Haya to an empty home? Really? How can a guy have no friends? Coworkers? Anyone? 
orrr how come, knowing that Rameez has no family or friends, Taayi didnt come with or send someone with Haya to settle her??? every desi shadi i've been to there's a dozen or so women just itching to drop off the bride to her bridal room and giggle.


  1. Nicee review as alwayss :)

    why u guys are not reviewing any other drama thn alvida ?

    1. Well N is officially a lost cause and I had some personal things going on. Hopefully, I will get back to posting a bit more within the next few weeks :)

    2. It's ohkayy take ur time :)

  2. This is hillarious! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one weirded out by the sleeping scene and Hadi's offer to Fareesa

  3. This is hillarious! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one weirded out by the sleeping scene and Hadi's offer to Fareesa

    1. Hi unknown... Sorry for the late reply but we're generally bad with comments. Hope you become a regular commenter.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. N and Shamsi, this drama is really bringing out the best of your humour :-) And no surprises for guessing - yup, it gets even weirder in the next episode - without giving too much away, let me just say, there's espionage a la 007 (our very own desi psycho James Bond), unethical stuff (like reading someone else's diary) and plenty of mehram-na mehram stuff - looking forward to your take on it... gosh, Mehram seems logical compared to this drama!

    When does the drama Inteha air? I saw it mentioned in the diva ratings section, but haven't seen any reviews anywhere for this play? Thanks!

    1. Vee - Inteha is currently airing. I did a review of the first episode. Maybe I'll do a follow up review this week :)

    2. Thank you Shamsi :-)
