Thursday 30 April 2015

Ishq Parast - Update at Episode 10

I've had a couple of people ask me about this drama, so I decided to do a update on it. I really like this drama. It has an easy-going storyline (which in the beginning kind of reminded me of Dhardkan,  the Bollywood flick with Suniel Shetty and Akshay Khanna), and the characters are well developed and likeable. So, I'm just going to give you a quick up-to-date on each character and what's going on with them up until now...

This is our hero - Zohaib. He fell in love with the heroine (Dua) at first sight and thanks to a great sister and Dua's parents, he manages to marry her too. Unfortunately, shadi ki raath he, Dua decides to tell him she has married him against her will and is in love with someone else. But Mr. Perfect is undaunted. He thinks he can win Dua over. So they pretend to be happily married in front of his family and he takes her on their honeymoon, where he proceeds to stay in a separate room. She also asks him for a khulla on her honeymoon, and he refuses. He tells Dua her izzat is more important to him and that if she wants to get separated from him, he will divorce her on grounds of something that will prove to the world that she is Ms. Sati Savitri. 

This is Ursala. Her brother (Mr. Perfect) has raised her as his own since they lost their parents at a young age. She is quite spoiled but loves her brother unconditionally. You would think she would be causing all kinds of rifts between her brother and sister-in-law, instead she gives her brother advice on how to romance and make up with his wife (who she thinks he has had a tiff with). Her conversations with their Khala are hilarious.

Reacquaint yourself with Dua. She was in love with her college fellow and to make him a more attractive proposal, encouraged him to apply for a job in Islamabad (or Pindi...basically out of their hometown). The second he leaves, Zohaib ke rishtay ki entry and Dua gets deceived into marrying him by her parents. She tells him she can't be a wife to him because she's in love with someone else on their wedding night. However, she is slowly, yet surely, comparing the two men in her life and I think she understands on a subconscious level, that she got the better guy. 

Ahhh. Let's talk about the parents. Pasha Sahab from day one is in hero's camp. He knows this is a great rishta for his daughter. When Dua insists she won't marry him, Pasha Sahab fakes a heart attack (supposedly brought on by the stress of Dua's refusal). Hence, Dua says yes to the wedding. Shortly after she finds out how she was fooled by her parents (poor mom's pronounced guilty by association). She isn't exactly on the best of terms with them. Pasha Sahab, however, has no regrets and feels reassured he picked the right man for Dua. 

This is Hamza - the jilted boyfriend. Hamza comes with a lot of emotional baggage: divorced parents, step-parents that didn't let his biological parents  keep him...He feels his only real  relationship was with Dua. With her marrying someone else, Hamza is pretty much going bonkers. He follows her to her honeymoon and forces her to hand Zohaib the khulla papers. He is stalking her in malls. Basically, he described his emotional turmoil best: If he can't be happy, no one can be happy.

This is the guy that should win the Best Friend of the Year award. Asad is Hamza's best friend and his voice of reason, even though, unfortunately, nothing seems to be getting through to Hamza. Asad understands his bestie got dealt a bad hand and that his life sucks with Dua gone, but he also understands where Dua is coming from. I'm glad to see a supporting character providing a positive influence....or trying to...

Unfortunately, the same can not be said for Dua's friend who has done nothing but aid and abet Hamza on his psycho-stalker path. She's the one who told him where they were honeymooning. #GreatGoing

Episode 10 ends on this note: Dua looking torn and Zohaib looking miserable. Dua fakes a headache to get out of the lawyer appointment and Zohaib goes and brings the divorce papers home, only to deliberately spill coffee on them to gain another day with Dua. Nothing over the top needed, hats off to the director and the actors for making us fall in love with these two and feeling for their situation. 

I hope I did a good job of whetting your apetites...the new episode should air today and maybe you will all be tuning in with me too...? 

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Zid - Episode 18

Right now, I am hating my own zid to continue to watch this drama. 

The episode opens up with Zee giving Ms. Whiney-Pants counselling. It's like a catch-22 with Zee: She is actually hitting the nail on the head by telling Saman to just leave if she's so god dang unhappy BUT Zee is only telling her that so that she can get a second chance with Omar. So, whereas I'm like, "Yay! Talk some sense into her Zee!" I am also, "Zee, you are such a scheming piece of work."

Omar goes to this long lost friend for a heart-to-heart. As usual this ass (sorry, no mood to mince words here...) is like the worse advice giver in the whole world. Literally, these two are crying like a bunch of teenage girls..."What about MY needs," "I want someone to appreciate me," "I do everything in this relationship!" "I feel so pressured by my family! Dunya wale kia kaheinge!"
I bet Mark Sloan would give great advise in this scenario to these two half-wits. I bet it would go along the lines of, "Grow a pair." Just sayin'.

Zee has become Ms. Sughar in her quest to oust Saman. Saman doesn't "care" about Omar, but she is always quick to be resentful when Zee takes care of the poor guy.

Aakhir yeh kia job karta hei??

Saman's saas thinks she may be pregnant...

I just want to know how lucky you are that Omar cleared up that misconception for the viewers immediately. It saved us all the whole discussion of how Omar and Saman's supposedly Hamza-Iqra marriage resulted in Hamza-Maya relation results...

Zee and Saman have the most in-depth conversation over Omar in the middle of a grocery store while Saman buys juice with the same focus and attention someone would buy a million dollar house. Sheesh. It's just juice. Are you really going to scrutinize every flavor on the shelf?

Wait - what? Zee goes missing and Saman wants Omar to help find her?! *Sigh*

Wow. I CAN NOT believe that this aired on prime time. Family drama? Me thinks not...

Saman, do you have rocks for brains? Why why WHY would you let a woman, who is openly declaring she wants your husband, stay in your house? What is wrong with you? Why would someone make a drama that makes no sense? Why am I still watching this? ARRRGHHHH!!
Check it out: Zee turns up intoxicated and in the middle of the night (*cough* clock on the wall says 9:45 *cough*) and in Omar's room.

At this point, I'm really wondering what was the point of the Rukhi and Uncle Qasim storyline? It contributed absolutely nothing to the growth of Saman's character, no change, no newly-found-awareness or appreciation. So, why did they have to introduce those characters and why did they have to die?

Hum TV, really, you need to up your game. I, for one, am tired of these junk dramas that have no message and make no sense.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Alvida - Episode 11

I actually had to strain my braincells to remember where we left off...Hadi and Fareesa's showdown and Hadi escaping to Haya's house to lounge around until an inappropriate time. Again. When he get's back home, he finds his son crying...

First they name him Saadi, then they leave him unattended on the dining table... Zulm pe zulm. Someone call social services... This family doesn't deserve a baby Saadi. Prediction: something bad will happen to baby Saadi which will be the much needed kick up Hadi's bum.

Creepy flirting between ramiz and Haya. 

Uff aur kitna cheap dikhana hai Fareesa ko. For someone who got slapped yesterday by her husband, she got over that really quickly. The selfies were hilarious though.
Aaj kal ki nasal - they don't even know how to be sad properly. Aise hotay hein 'ro dho ke nidhaal'?

Haha - For reals?! Kamra nahi tu bathroom share karlo?

It irks me how I can hate, yet feel sorry for Fareesa at the same time. She's shallow, manipulative and vain...But Hadi isn't even trying to be nice to her. He just gives her these constant pissed off-exasperated looks. If you hated her so much, why did you marry her? I think Hadi proved he gets his way at the beginning of this drama. So it's hard to buy into this he-was-forced-into-it excuse.

Haya is going to meet Ramiz - dad wants her to get HADI'S approval on guy friends. Seriously - Neither Hum TV nor Mehram Dad learnt ANYTHING from Mehram about the difference between mehram and namehram relationships. And for god's sake - YOU ARE HAYA'S DAD! YOU are in charge of her!! Geeeeeesssssss!!!!

I don't even need a speech bubble - just look at Fareesa's unbelievable act of acting shocked...#SMH

No joke. Ramiz catches a glimpse of Hadi when he drops Haya off, and apparently Ramiz ke dil mein kuch kuch honay laga...
Get in line, Ramiz. Get in line.

Predictably, Fareesa is blabbing allll about Ramiz and Haya to, well for beginners, the saas and susar. 
Unpredictably, Hadi grills Fareesa on how she has come to the conclusion that Ramiz is so awesome. Uhhh focus Hadi, focus. You SHOULD be pissed that she is announcing the Haya-Ramiz news like you told her NOT to.

Raise your hand if you are thinking about Chup Raho right now...

Fareesa Fareesa Fareesa. You just don't know when to stop, do you?

Every conversation between these two is a snoozefest. Ramiz makes hidden and obvious innuendos, and Haya looks awkward and makes general replies.

Saim was abducted by aliens, who removed all traces of how his last meeting with Fareesa went, because when he sees her, he is GENUINELY happy...He also won the lottery because he proceeds to buy her 230,000 Rupees worth of outfits...

Really? REALLY? Kia inka deemagh kharab hei? The best he has done is correct the youth on giving and receiving salam. He doesn't find it AT ALL inappropriate that he sends off his daughter with the cousin she was in love with and ran away from home for...AND THEN he doesn't bat an eyelash when Hadi says he picked Haya up and dropped her off with SOMEONE ELSE!

So - let me get this straight: Saim went and came back from America, and apparently, became mega rich...but Saadi is still an infant? Can someone help me out here? Is it just me?

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Alvida - Episode 10

3 minutes into the latest Alvida episode, and I was already shaking my head. Remind me again: Why are we watching this drama? But, heck, why should you take my word for it? Here, let me present you with the proof of my claim.

Hadi slouching on Haya's bed and telling her what a weirdo his WIFE is. It's quite obvious Hadi has no concept of boundaries, and if he is like this, while widowed and remarried, can you imagine what he must've been like before the whole marriage-to-Aroosa thing? No wonder Haya was already picking out honeymoon spots. 
toh do second pehle kya bataya tha??

Maaf karna Hadi bhai. Tum,haray moon se yeh baath aati hui kuch achi nahi lag rahi.

Bechara stalker-romeo. Haya ko koi aur mil gaya hei (wapis se) baatein karnei ke leeaye...

Oh yeah. I would totally be cool with my husband spending a long day with his female cousin who used to be in love with him. NOT.
Where the heck is Haya's dad??!!

Fareesa itni churail kion hei? #NoOtherWords

Haya wakes up at Fajr to make daddy chai and then gets a lecture for letting Hadi stay overnight? Umm...hello. Mehrami Dad, shouldn't you have walked in around maghrib and told that boy to go home? What corner were you hiding in the whole time?

Yeh Fareesa ki saas hein ya Fareesa inki? Why can't she just ask for her card back? Tattle telling to the husband...really?
She want's him to check their credit card bill online...i did not know you could do that. Apparently the bill is sky high..and if Fareesa continues shopping this way the super rich doctor family with their own private hospital will go bankrupt...huh?
I remember a certain brain doctor talking about the correlation between shopping and miserable women in the last episode.
Wow. Do din ki bahoo, who you forced Hadi to marry, and this is how you describe her? Really, Faressa is a churail, but I am really appalled at how everyone in this family is back biting about her. It's inappropriate and a little heartless. I mean, look at how her susar is describing his own bhanjhee...#Shame
Don't tell fareesa you spent the night at haya's house...yeah I see this ending really well. 

When Hadi confronts Fareesa about the credit card and she goes to open her dressing table, I thought she was returning the card, but she just ignores Hadi and take out a mirror to look at herself instead. Looool. 

Do you see what this drama does to the viewer? It makes us cray-cray.

Why did they make such a big deal of Fareesa putting on sandals when she has two different shoes on in the next two scenes?

This mali...

OMG...Cuteness overload! How can Hadi resist that face?

(Recap from a few minutes go in the episode) And apparently, Hadi Sahab smuggled the driver back home in the trunk or something because we all witnessed him drive himself in...

The rest of the episode is just one showdown after the other...
Fareesa vs Hadi - Round 1

Fareesa wants Haadi to giver hisaab of his night spent with Haya
I'm thinking if they wouldn't have been such a crazy biotch,
Fareesa vs. Haya
why are you so confused Haya...few episodes ago your other best friend Kaukab accused you of the exact same thing. This should be deja vu

Fareesa vs. Hadi - Round 2

Haya vs. Hadi - Round 1

And if that wasn't enough, stalker boy is coming to town. much more of this can we take?

Haya vs Hadi - Round 2